Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Stairway to Heaven

-about 1986 I made the stupid mistake. I went to the tallest local building. A downtown Bank etc. And went to the top of the centre stairwell in it. But the door was locked

-maybe me saying

-the glass doors off each floor. Cut in half by each floor level. Jesus Christ's plan of ALTERNATIVE Earth fails

-the GLASS doors. Like in a lot of the SWEET VALLEY 'HIGH' books. The covers have an EGG shaped design with the cover picture INSIDE of it

-like Mills Reef Winery at MOFFAT Road. Me maybe setting up Christ and Heaven. Maybe me really creating all. But I mislead them

-MOFFAT me the False PROPHET

-and like since 1995 I have wanted a body looking exactly like a man in a magazine Fitness Add Christian 'Paredes'

-the boy living in my Road up to 1980. And in my year at that Intermediate that year only. That the twins liked. Named Glen 'HESLOFF'. As in MOFFAT. He looked a lot like Christian Paredes

-like the song Stairway to Heaven.  I end Jesus Christ's plans to do what I daydreamed up in 1985. Or he put in my mind. Things that can damn you. Without you trying anything. Twisted transformations that maybe last forever and damn you. And these went on in Heaven too. Stairway to Heaven. That day I went up the centre stairwell might mean he doesn't get another way to put people in Hell

-like my idea to try to launch Days of our Lives about me. And send out my lists of miracles. The glass off level doors. Like the hourglass logo. And the maybe method to do it. Coming up a massive volcano under the Americas. Maybe sending lava over almost all of the land of all joined to North and South America. And the idea of a volcano. Like the glass doors off the out of level / ALTERNATIVE floors. It was the idea of the volcano too to stop Christ's Alternative Earth plan. The Winery soap opera and the Valley High sourced series. Like an Alternative Earth

-I might have gained incredibly miracle powers at the base of the mountain MAUAO. Like saying MOFFAT for the Winery and Hesloff

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The False Prophet

-I might be the False Prophet

-Revelations says The False Prophet does miracles. Blasphemes God. Claims to be God. Was engineered by Satan. And goes to a Lake of Fire when he dies

-I think that might mean me- The False Prophet

-maybe overturning the history of Earth / s. And rewriting them so there was now no truth to almost all the history of Christianity

-or me today. Willing a section of land. With two sides of my FRASER / FALSE PROPHET block

-to rewrite the history of Earth. Covering all landscapes with the block. And through the outside doors lead to stores, attractions etc

-Mills Reef Winery owners' home might be in close GRACE Road

-their Vineyard is out at 'Bethlehem' on MOFFAT Road

-maybe meaning me MATT AGER the False PROPHET

-controlling things like using a PUPPET

-so maybe when I willed to cause all over Earths up to the turn of the Century at the 19th Century

-maybe I caused Christianity to be created. Maybe making it look real

-when really it was FALSE

-I used to have a large sign that included a large Cross at my letterbox. Maybe somehow that was me making fun of God etc

-I thought like MOFFAT Road. It might be me really saying what Jesus Christ really is. An IDIOT. And his cruel Alternative Earth plan. Jesus Christ and God maybe all really created by me

-MOFFAT like I might have gained miracle powers to do almost anything at MAUAO

-the photo I posed at a Professional Photographer's in 1990. Me shirtless with my arms raised. Like being on a Cross

-my ARMS UP like PUPPET STRINGS. Me the FALSE PROPHET. Maybe I really created God and Heaven etc

-me with my shirt off making a fool of myself. Like saying Jesus Christ constantly makes a full of himself

Mega City

  -several years ago I came home and on the CONSERVATORY / CRUCIFIXION floor there was a drop of probably red JAM

-I tasted it in case it was the blood of Jesus Christ from on the Cross and I gained something from it

-today I had an idea. The Fraser Street block I am on. Both sides with the original Universe blocks layout

-with from the homes and usually the outside doors. Leading to miracles etc like stores, attractions etc

-at the front of my drive by the letterbox was once my large sign

-a large Cross and sign reading Tauranga Smallville and the Web Domain I once had

-I was tasting Jam today having run out of food and trying something else

-I got the idea to will the local Fraser Street block to disappear

-and cover our Earth and any others. Over all landscapes. The size of Earth stays the same. But the Fraser Street blocks are JAMMED close side by side to each other

-and all the buildings and all in them restore every 50 years

-these start at the start of time on each Earth. And last to the turn of the century. The end of the 19th Century

-today I Won my Bid for Justice League of America 22 from 1963. The second part of the first Justice League of Earth-1 and their counterparts the Justice Society of Earth-2 who started in WW2. The issue was called Crisis on Earth-2

-the comic started listed on Trade Me at $50 but I took it up to $100 to ensure I got it. On one US Back Issue Dealer it ranges from US $116 to $674+

-I bought mine from China Doll. Like the night before my powerful miracles started I had a dream of a Parade of DC Comics characters in their themed groups. All like in oversized full CHINA costumes. CHINA as in CHRISTIANITY

-so maybe even if someone left the drop of Jam having me on it was really the blood of Jesus Christ

-maybe the copies of the local block will be set off by me paying for or getting Justice League 22. Crisis on Earth-2. Like I create new versions and histories for Earth

-and me getting the comic originally for sale for $50, when on a US Back Issue Dealer it could cost a lot more than $700. The cover but it might just be my mind connecting ideas. The Green Lantern of each Earth and the pairs of Justice League and Justice Society members in separate cages. The copies of the homes with miracles through them

-the maybe most famous Psychic or Prophet Nostradamus predicted 

-MABUS the third Anti-Christ

-MABUS- the copies of my Street block. 'M' atthew 'A' ger. With through each home 'BUSINESSES'

-the THIRD Anti-Christ- Like the WW2 versions of the super-heroes and their later ones

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Turning Point

 -about the start of 2010. I had been put in the local Psych Ward maybe because my Support Staff had been thinking I looked lower for some time. They misunderstood me

-it was some of the time in that Ward the LOW POINT of my life. But not by much

-I got the idea forces were telling me. IF I DIDN'T STAY LYING DOWN ON MY BED for the rest of the afternoon and evening my life would always be bad

-maybe meaning me the Anti-Christ. I took over almost all places. By me having SEX and maybe children by a mass. 666 or sex sex sex. ANTI-CHRIST

-I did get up and responded by swallowing a DRAWING PIN. Like nails and the Cross. I can cause people's lives to have really bad DOWNFALLS. And DAMN them. I am DAMNATION

-a Staff Nurse from my Support Home TRISH LONGLEY took me through the RAIN to the Hospital for tests that night

-RAIN I erased from really being alive the or most of the list of names on the Post called STREAM Lined. Trish LONGLEY. The edited bully character in Archie style comics about me named Paul LONGLEY / LINED / LIED LIVING. TRISH LONGLEY. TERMINATOR

-that night I was lying in bed wondering how I would cope and I saw cracks in the glass of the window. The moving small strand of spaghetti or small worm. On the toasted sandwich maker that might have destroyed almost everything but me. The DESTROYER

-suddenly I pictured two images at the same time

-an original super hero costume. Black boots. A loose fit fawn body. Coming down from the front neck a black bullet. I later realized the costumes were like the original costumes of genius super-heroes Mister FANTASTIC and BRAINIAC 5. As in IRANIAN. And the Tree of KNOWLEDGE at the Garden of Eden

-and the super hero power to create things out of crystal

-the FALSE PROPHET and SECOND BEAST who do miracles

-that turned my life around. Because although I was wrong about it then. It gave me hope the mystical forces still had plans for me

-I might have taken what the next Messiah of Revelations would have done. Not meaning to. There might have been a 'World Vote' on doing something terrible to me. No one voted for me and I wound up getting the role the next Messiah would have done. REVELATIONS MESSIAH. And me Magog and Gog. Revelations might say they are in Satan's Army in the future

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Revelations Findings

-about February 2008. Soon after I moved back in to this address now owning it. Meaning maybe now my miracles were real

-on the Road outside Tauranga Hospital Gate

-I picked up a golden lasso shaped screw or bolt

-8mm- for 666

-8 m m- for 8 Kings of Terror

-or what I read in Revelations. That I might have read or imagined. There are about 8 Kings. Maybe saying they all think alike

-8 of them. All me. Anti-Christ, False Prophet, Second Beast, Destroyer, Magog, Gog and maybe Terminator and Damnation 

-the inside of the golden rod extends and looks like a CHAIN running along the inside of it

-the time at the end of 1990 I was lying in bed in the dark. From out of my wall came an all black figure. With some kind of silent black electric CHAINSAW. Like partly to emphasis truth to this

-also written on the bolt POWERS

-one end like a golden hook or power plug. The other end with close small lines coming up from the base. Like the part of the plug that goes in the wall

-Revelations FindingsRevelations Findings

Monday, September 16, 2024


-in 1990 I made the dumb mistake of at a Professional Photographer's 

-posing with my shirt off. And holding my arms above my head

-showing my armpit hairs

-standing like I was on the Cross

 -I posed like that in case I had 'FICTIONAL' armpit HAIRS


-or the truth of CHRISTIANITY is now HISTORY / HAIRY

-the magazine photo I saw with a fictional photo of 

-MARKY MARK Wahlberg

-in it he had fictional leg HAIRS. Long, black and far spaced

-like I set up people

-me with no top on. Masses will CLOSE DOWN


-arms held up like hourglass or volcano




-posing as if I was on the Cross. And making a fool of myself like Christ does constantly

-I was 'CHRIST'ian HAIRS all through HISTORY

-as HEROES and getting my clothes off


-because of 'SEIZURES' I will stay SECURE at STEWART Island for ETERNITY

-some seizures I throw my arms up

-my ARMS held up showing my armpit HAIRS. Any partner I get becomes like ELASTI Girl in the Doom Patrol TV series. The partner keeps devolving in to like a large red blob

-my two arms raised above my head. My body shaped like the Days of our Lives hourglass. Or like an extended Light Sabre. That might both destroy Jesus Christ's life

-my ARMS UP like PUPPET STRINGS. I am the FALSE PROPHET. Maybe setting up God and Heaven like I use PUPPET STRINGS

-in 1990 I made the dumb mistake of having a photo taken of me at a Professional Photographer's 

-shirtless with my arms held up above my head

-in case 'I had paranormal armpit hair'

-maybe in the back of my mind. The pose was meant to really mean more


-I get / are like Christian Paredes

-he was shirtless in Feature Page. With bend arms on each side of him

-the position of my arms

-like I am PRAYING


-about 1973 I was lying in bed in the dark. Through my ceiling it looked like a pair of lit hands together like they were praying

-like a CANDLE and FLAME for HOT STUFF Muscle Supplement

-maybe connected to the VOLCANO

-and the other paranormal experience I had living in that Street when very young

-my SHIRT OFF. Like the ditch in paddocks at the end of my Street with a man's SKELETON


-maybe I get the list of super hero powers like BILLY BATSON works out his

-the skeleton in a ditch

-maybe also connected to a massive volcano in America


 -if I am able to when the lists of miracles go up

-all of space is rearranged

-set up so almost all can have friends. You can appear where they live

-and set up for groups and for work

-following my ideas. All follow my list of Government Rules. And the positions of people change for this

-all life forms etc are already engineered for this

-you follow the Daily Living Guide. Partly to mean people don't stay inside all the time. They as best I can have real lives

-if I can there are usually groups this causes to start up. Where you can have suitable friends. People brought together from around space. Meaning it is easier to find friends

-all can teleport around. Homing in too if they want. And white boards on walls in stores, your home etc. Means you can talk to people. And teleport to where they are. The cube shaped boxes with clear plastic walls etc are still working. Maybe these can be used to teleport groups

-there are rows. About 8 machines / ATMS in a row. That gives all needed to try to find work etc

-these above start at the very start of time and go for virtually all. All along. If something goes wrong alternative people, groups are tried to be found

-all of those things all along as best as possible. Wherever avoiding physical and emotional pain

-all along almost all can create objects

Saturday, September 14, 2024

I'm King of Britain

-at the end of 1990 I was lying in bed in the dark. From out of the wall maybe right up against my bed. Came a man's figure all in black. Carrying a type of silent black electric chainsaw. I ran and turned on the light but he was gone

-the miracles I started for Britain. In the CREATION Universe. Every store, product or business has British features from through Britain's history. The products are adjusted for alien bodies

-the CHAIN SAW with revolving around chain- like long ago I had the idea if I got a full collection of Harry POTTER books that might set off the miracles for Britain. And I scanned and Posted what I could of them

-CHAIN- I tried to set up the miracles using British soap opera CORONATION Street. Exploding the Rovers Return Pub owner Shelly while she was working behind the Bar

-I had the idea to try to time travel back in time to 5th Century Briton WARLORD / KING Voligern. And say I will do a mass of miracles for Britain. Will you then maybe make me King after you. Later I thought me time travelling on Earth was impossible. Maybe I used the idea from Superman the Movie. Like the revolving chains I flew around and around the Earth

-WAR LORD- the electric chainsaw

-the SWORD and WART. In the Sword in the Stone Wart becomes King by pulling a sword from the stone. I made a few cut lines that are still there in the lump on my thigh. Using a pin. Like the man coming out of the wall with the electric chainsaw

Thursday, September 12, 2024


 -I throw out Jesus Christ's plan for Alternative Earth

-he planned to use a Mills Reef Winery channel to do it. Made to make me look stupid

-they are at BETH lehem and the owners' home might be at GRACE Road. ALTERNATIVE Earth

-I threw out the channel. And it was defeated

-it looks like maybe with all the corrupt. A lot of main companies might close

-Superboy CONNER KENT- because of Jenette KAHN and because of Jesus Christ. He looks like a CLONE of God. Like that version of Superboy was a clone

-yesterday I went over most of my Blogs again clicking to Hit on a link of each one. I heard if you don't make a hit at least once a year. They drop off. I have not clicked on most for maybe 18 months. But they were still up

-BAY CORP today I realized COMPUTER. Maybe about the only place to see entertainment are to look at my Blogs. I have hundreds of Blogs with scans of books and comics. And lasting links to films and YouTube Music videos

-I tried to make a switch. When I got the idea God might have meant to me to say Get out. Telling me to leave my Support Home at once. I left at once that night

-maybe meaning all those I recently tried to completely end. Replacing them with only life like doubles

-I still don't know why. All I took was a Superboy TRADING Card

-I tried to trade my miracle powers-

-the tree trunks I hid amongst. DAREDEVIL. I get the exact looking appearance and as best I can the personality I saw in CHRISTIAN Paredes

-the ring I threw over Pilot Bay Pier. I get the 12 super hero powers I am after. 12. Like the RING I found in the top of my bedroom wardrobe in 1980 it had 12 star signs around it

-I hid amongst the tree trunks like Daredevil has a baton. He is Marvel Comics' The Man without Fear

-I threw the ring over the Pier. Green Lantern is DC Comics' The Man without Fear

-I threw away the Trading Card and ring too. Me throwing out Alternative Earth

-the top Post. '666'. I live through the three main stages / versions of the Universes. From each one when my Government Rules come in

-I travel around through each one always looking like Christian. Fighting crime and having sex etc

-PILOT Bay I do no more Monitors

-Green Lantern was HAL JORDAN. I merge HELL and HEAVEN. Creating one safe afterlife that lasts forever for maybe almost all

-there might be a massive volcano under the AMERICAS. I use it to later send out my MIRACLES

-Why did the boy throw the clock out of the window? To see time fly

-TIME FLY I want to past through the times / history of the three first Universes. FLY. Having sex etc

-to see time fly. The Days of our Lives series about me. Hourglass / time. And the Windsor High comics about me. They have been going as channels through all time past and will forever

-the FLY I had gone up my backside while I was on the toilet. The toilet shape SOLAR SYSTEM. Only the solar systems of Earths don't get the channels. I then had a shower. The still living fly came out my backside. I swallowed it. This sends out the channels to all time and all space except to the solar systems of each Earth. The fly going around my body three times like 666

-I am all the evil Revelations figures. At the base of the mountain MAU / AO. Anti Messiah. MAUAO like 666 or the list of them I am each of. Mauao like OA with 3600 Green Lanterns

-I threw my CALCULATOR WATCH over the Pier. The end of Windsor High and Days of our Lives

-WATCH the Days of our Lives might have been following me since my towards the end of 1995. I had that afternoon had a bad time with people harassing me by my mind and tried to cut my wrist.  I went in to the local Psych Ward. My watch was taken from me by Staff. The next morning they gave it back not knowing why it was taken. The like voices and magical ideas started then

-about 1996 I was in my room at night in a Support Home. I had the idea God said Get out. Like he was displeased with me. I left without telling Staff. All I took was a Superboy Trading Card. The clone version. I walked all the way down town. To the Toll Bridge to the next town. I left the Trading Card in the ticket slot. And crossed over to the next town. I meant to go down the Road to the small mountain Mauao but went down one Street too soon. I wound up in a dock of tree trunks. I thought I might have heard a siren and for a moment hid amongst them. I continued down the Road to Mauao. At the base of there again because of 'voices' I threw my calculator watch over the Pier at Pilot's Bay

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Hot Stuff

 my flat mate JESSE WATKINS

-like a much better REFLECTION of me

-these are only MACHINES


-Lois WHAT

-any other now or later WHAT MATT KINS

-the REVELATIONS dark figures



-WATKINS / WATCH DAYS of our LIVES characters

-CHRISTIAN PAREDES / CHRISTIAN appearance and CHRISTIAN personality 




-maybe in my workings of my mind somehow

-a massive volcano around the Americas

-with this the miracles I have been working on are set off

The Iron Rod of the Anti-Christ

 -Revelations calls the Anti-Christ The King of Terror. Maybe me and my garden / Terra that gives me my miracle powers

-and Revelations says the Anti-Christ rules all nations with an Iron Rod. Maybe meaning with my miracles all over almost all of space from the very start of each version of it. I control all parts of it

-and the golden rod I picked off the Road outside Tauranga Hospital Gate. It has a hook on one end of it like a Shepherd's Crook. And lines coming up at the base like a Crown

-it has engraved on it POWERS and 8mm. 

-every planet or Moon etc with life or that gets life ever except Earth. Follows my Government Rules

-I cut off all forms of POWER until people follow my rules

-8mm every planet, Moon etc with life ever except Earth follows my rules. 8mm as in 666

-the man at my grandparents' front door in 1991 I thought might be the Anti-Christ. Looking like The Young Doctors' character Peter HOLLAND played by Peter LOCHRAN. HOLLAND the HOLY LAND gives me my miracles. LOCHRAN the KEY shaped bolt I picked up enables me to rule all of space from the very start. I picked the bolt up off the Road outside the Gate of Tauranga HOSPITAL. Soon after my I moved in to my own home giving me my miracle powers

-or I might rule almost all of space. The IRON ROD of the Anti-Christ. By me having masses of sex (sex sex sex). Or 666

Monday, September 9, 2024

Mirror Miracles

 -I started to do what real miracles late January 2008

-when I moved in to my home now owning it

-soon in one week I had 4 dreams of New Teen Titans related characters

-and tried each one a couple of times

-I wasn't ready for them. A lot of my miracles were adventures from stories or super hero missions

-they would never work out. I would learn disturbing things about me from others on the adventures. And the Police would treat me badly and I would be inept at crime fighting with a bad looking body

-my miracles began for real on Friday March 31st 2017

-I went to the next town and repeated over and over Bop Bup Bup and started real and incredibly powerful miracles

-the previous night I had a dream of a Parade of DC Comics characters in THEMED groups in like fully over them China like costumes

-themed groups. What was really meant by the 4 dreams of Titans related characters

Friday, September 6, 2024

Days of our Lives

-I just had a dream that went like

-there was a massive volcanic eruption in 'California'/ Los Angelos' area

-covering and extending flames etc over most of it

-two Days of our Lives themed dreams

-one I realized there downtown at Devon Mall people with lives like in Days of our Lives. I was unhappy because I might have to TELL THEM or I WOULD BE FOUND OUT. The former Devon Mall shops had a roof shaped like a Pyramid or volcano. Attached to it once was FARMERS store as in FLAMES

-I had a dream. There were a few characters females from Days of our Lives. One character indicated something that I was sort of sad about. The character was still a bitch. And another sad element another female character was dying

-the lowest main island of New Zealand. STEWART Island. Like a SANCTUARY. The Maori name translates to GLOWING SKIES. Some people can get to a safe place

-the two main New Zealand Islands the North and South look similar in size. Like the hourglass logo. With Stewart Island like sand coming out at the base

-I thought maybe this was some TV series idea someone had set up. Maybe this was set up by the TV series I believe in that has been about me also called Days of our Lives

-DAYS of our LIVES- maybe meaning in the TV series created about me. I might have gone to live. Remembering my powerful miracles of my LIFE. And carry those through with me the DAYS of my LIVES. And the Days I have to spend with a wife like LOIS

-the hourglass like a massive volcano. Under maybe all of America and nearby areas. About to pour out lava like sand. Maybe the TV series' method to send out their channel to the biggest area possible

-the Glowing Skies masses surviving would somehow survive left badly burnt. The scene I might have imagined on a scene. The character Julie talking to a relative. Her relative says You know how the scarring embarrassed you. I too might have misread her character a reader saying it was a mistake making her a bitch. The disfigurements make many terrible


-Stewart Island's Maori name meaning too RAKIURA. Maybe standing for WRECKED LIVES CURED. The ideas I have come up with over the years saving WRECKED people's LIVES. RAKIURA meaning VOLCANIC ERUPTION. RAKIURA as in KRAKATOA


-GLOWING SKIES the changed space is hidden appearance from Earth


-what SANCTUARY might mean is. My home is a safe sanctuary for me

-maybe where Stewart Island is. At the lowest and smallest of New Zealand's three main islands. About the lowest inhabited place on Earth

-STEWART as in I might stay here for ETERNITY

-STEWART as in SUPER WART. A slightly largish pinkish lump on my left thigh. It gives me great power. A wart like the smaller Stewart Island at the bottom of New Zealand

-no people or anyone can see me or get to me from the outside. And I can't get out except miracles. The black figure of a man coming through my bedroom wall against my bed in the dark. It is impassable. Carrying a black silent electric chainsaw. I used a pin to make a few cut lines on the spot that are still there

-my idea really to cause the eruption under the AMERICAS to send out my MIRACLES. A volcano shaped like the lump on my left thigh. A massive power source

-my earliest memory somehow was of coming in to live in our new home at 12 JAMES COOK Street. With a LAMPPOST like a volcano at the steps to the door. FLAMES COOK. And straight away I found a tin of Griffins Sampler biscuits in a lower kitchen cupboard. My EARLIEST memory

-my Best of DC Digest 35 Years Best Comic Stories. With the FIRESTORM 7 issue Plastique is Another Word for Fear. I originally put it on hold at Books 'a' PLENTY but never went back for it. I got a second hand copy. That story had a RIPPED page in it like it was set up for me to buy. On the top of Firestorm's head are flames like from a volcano

-a maybe attraction I imagined at Fantasy Land when I was very young. A few story tall, white rock hill shaped like a volcano. With body width tunnels running through it

-I use the volcano. To avoid Alternative Earth. The series created about me called Days of our Lives. And the two dreams I had of Days of our Lives series. The hourglass logo with upper and lower chambers of SAND. 'Alternative Earth'. I avoid Alternative Earth maybe everywhere. And instead do an alternative Hell like life around the Americas. And I use the volcano to send out the miracles

-I may be the ANTI CHRIST

-I stop the ALTERNATIVE Earth Jesus CHRIST tried

-like I think Jesus Christ and God may be basically evil idiots with idiotic appearances

-Jesus enjoys causing misery. The Bible is full of lies

-he wanted to start Alternative Earth thinking it would make him popular. With people like Jenette Kahn and 'Lane'

-even though the effects would go through Heaven forever

-the Street I lived in to about 1976 12 JAMES COOK Street. The Captain who charted New Zealand first. Like this tells people trying to escape the volcano where to go. JAMES COOK / FLAMES COOK. Up the end of the Street in paddocks in a DITCH I once saw lying the full SKELETON of a man. The volcano and a burnt body. The volcano is under America / s. Travelling upwards is no good. His ship the ENDEAVOUR. The END of DAYS of OUR LIVES with the volcano. My earliest memory coming in to live in that home for the first time. And in a lower kitchen cupboard finding a tin of GRIFFINS SAMPLER biscuits. SAMPLER any COMPUTER can play my Blogs. You don't need power or the Internet. I have hundreds of Blogs of scans of comics and books. And proper links to TV series, music and films. Like another ditch. DOWN PAST the end of the Street. You need to head downwards. There was in some trees a volcano shaped ditch. Near there once a few of us went in to another boy's home. His mother just saw us as we were leaving maybe by the GARAGE. Only driving your car will get you there. Like in my dream there was a safe place. Any where in ARGENTINA. As in my home is at the GARDEN of EDEN. They tried to steal the Falkland Islands. That is a safe place to. Like we were almost stealing property

-without having to do anything worse. Getting rid of the US might stop future attacks on me and people trying to use me

-the Days of our Lives series about me, the dream with them in the Devon Mall, the dream of a character in it dying and another character still a bitch, and the dream of the volcano. Maybe saying the Days of our Lives series about me. Is the most SUCESSIVE SUCCESSFUL TV series ever made. And without the channel with it

-replacing one Alternative Earth with another. What someone would have caused. Elements that damn you and leave you transformed forever. To in the Americas masses of badly burnt people made terrible. And with most communications and international companies from the US these would be closed around the world

-the Days of out Lives logo a hourglass. Spilling sand from one chamber to the other. Like a volcano sending out lava

-I once saw an old slide of me aged 1 or 2. Standing showing me in full fully naked. In my grandparents' garden at MAXWELL DRIVE. The volcano. MAX WELL MIRACLES. MAX WELL DAYS of our LIVES

-when very young I was sitting on the toilet and accidently dropped a piece of chocolate in the bowel. Like excretion. In 1981 at Intermediate at the top of the field. Overflowed excretion. Maybe standing for Alternative Earth and the volcano

 -I set up the fall of the Star Wars idea. Whatever the truth was. And set up the volcano etc that gets rid of Alternative Earth. These etc avoids too side effects all over everywhere partly done by me doing this


-my home in Tauranga might be where the real Garden of Eden and Forbidden Fruit are

-Argentina and the Falkland Islands where in the dream it was like a sanctuary if a volcanic eruption covered the Americas

-and I had the idea Stewart Island became the new location of my home


-both Argentina and Stewart Islands I heard were the lowest inhabited places on the planet

-I once saw a slide of me aged 1 or 2 showing me in full standing naked probably in my grandparents' garden at MAXWELL DRIVE

-I AXE the MILLS Reef channel

-and use the MAX WELL volcano to send out my MIRACLES. And the DAYS of our LIVES / DRIVE channel. The WELL of MAX temperatures. I was shown in full standing naked in the slide. That might mean something

-several years ago I tried to time travel back to 5th Century Briton King / Warlord Voligern. And say if I do a mass of miracles for Britain. Maybe then you would make me King after you. VOLIGERN as in VOLCANIC. WAR / LORD as in Jesus Christ the LORD

-my High School was OTUMOETAI College. As in VOLCANO. As in an ALTERNATIVE to Alternative Earth. I put up my miracles of 4 stages. One version of everything that ends then is followed by another version of everything. OTUMOETAI as in ALTERNATIVE TESTAMENTS. Creation, Old Testament, New Testament and Revelations

-another Days of our Lives dream I had. There was a woman looking like character Liz played by GLORIA LORING / GLORY LOVING / JESUS CHRIST. Her family like from Days of our Lives were suing her. She went in to a really large tent / volcano to look after children. Next she was lying on her back with all WHITE EYES. The Mills Reef Winery channel Jesus Christ planned fails. The character DOUG bended over her concerned. DUG as in the VOLCANO 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


-a few days ago I tried terminating everything I wanted

-and took out masses of elements of dangerous elements I want from the history of space

-and destroyed everything except Earths, me and where I live

-my FLAT MATE I had Jesse Watkins like a complete reflection of me



- WHAT KINS- I never had any real family and never will. I was never created related WATSON Remove all tears. WATKINS Brings peace

-I might have left State Flat Mates when I got a really large INHERITANCE. WHAT KINS. And somehow set up I would rather feel safer affording easily to live on my own

-my body has been really out of whack the last several days

-The Miracle of THIRSTY THURSDAY saving everyone from stars' STAR WARS

-the time at the end of 1990 I was lying in bed in the dark. Out of my wall against my bed. Like I entered a new place. Came the all black figure of a man with a electric chainsaw/ change saw

-in 1985 I broke windows around the local homes with an axe. The electric CHAIN SAW. CHANGE KAHN's CHAIN SAW

Earth Miracles

Mega City    -several years ago I came home and on the CONSERVATORY / CRUCIFIXION floor there was a drop of probably red JAM -I tasted it in...