Thursday, October 3, 2024

Earth Miracles

Mega City

  -several years ago I came home and on the CONSERVATORY / CRUCIFIXION floor there was a drop of probably red JAM

-I tasted it in case it was the blood of Jesus Christ from on the Cross and I gained something from it

-today I had an idea. The Fraser Street block I am on. Both sides with the original Universe blocks layout

-with from the homes and usually the outside doors. Leading to miracles etc like stores, attractions etc

-at the front of my drive by the letterbox was once my large sign

-a large Cross and sign reading Tauranga Smallville and the Web Domain I once had

-I was tasting Jam today having run out of food and trying something else

-I got the idea to will the local Fraser Street block to disappear

-and cover our Earth and any others. Over all landscapes. The size of Earth stays the same. But the Fraser Street blocks are JAMMED close side by side to each other

-and all the buildings and all in them restore every 50 years

-these start at the start of time on each Earth. And last to the turn of the century. The end of the 19th Century

-today I Won my Bid for Justice League of America 22 from 1963. The second part of the first Justice League of Earth-1 and their counterparts the Justice Society of Earth-2 who started in WW2. The issue was called Crisis on Earth-2

-the comic started listed on Trade Me at $50 but I took it up to $100 to ensure I got it. On one US Back Issue Dealer it ranges from US $116 to $674+

-I bought mine from China Doll. Like the night before my powerful miracles started I had a dream of a Parade of DC Comics characters in their themed groups. All like in oversized full CHINA costumes. CHINA as in CHRISTIANITY

-so maybe even if someone left the drop of Jam having me on it was really the blood of Jesus Christ

-maybe the copies of the local block will be set off by me paying for or getting Justice League 22. Crisis on Earth-2. Like I create new versions and histories for Earth

-and me getting the comic originally for sale for $50, when on a US Back Issue Dealer it could cost a lot more than $700. The cover but it might just be my mind connecting ideas. The Green Lantern of each Earth and the pairs of Justice League and Justice Society members in separate cages. The copies of the homes with miracles through them

-the maybe most famous Psychic or Prophet Nostradamus predicted 

-MABUS the third Anti-Christ

-MABUS- the copies of my Street block. 'M' atthew 'A' ger. With through each home 'BUSINESSES'

-the THIRD Anti-Christ- Like the WW2 versions of the super-heroes and their later ones 


-I came home that afternoon wet from the rain. I had just bought Green Lantern 173 in 1984

-I fell down on my BED wet and looked at the comic

-I got my first real or clear look at the character Monitor. His identity disguised in a large Death Star shaped satellite

-with a MONITOR or COMPUTER screen that could be put on people

-my idea I had. That moment I somehow used the idea of me having a monitor or computer screen to then plot or work out what I wanted to happen

-I really got in to that issue. A new direction with a sort of lighter, fun style to it and the character Monitor

 -the RAIN on my CLOTHES

-the original product from my dreams. A pair of long pale grey sweatpants

-with over them one inch, dark grey, angled DASHES like RAIN

-and the word written in small handwriting on the side of the knee



-the magazine photo I think I imagined. On a STAGE / SUPRE 'Marky Mark' Wahlberg with FICTIONAL leg HAIRS like long, black and far spaced

-like the dashes on the sweatpants

-maybe saying the HAIRS / HISTORY / of CHRISTIANITY is fictional


-SUPRE as in STEWART Island

-SUPRE and the dashes. What I once read in Revelations the next Messiah brings. PEACE and no more TEARS

-the COMPUTER- like the CREATOR. It was me in stages that created everything

 -List of Household Goods I to get with Inheritance

-remove Conservatory

-microwave, toasted sandwich maker. toaster, jug

-remove three broken sheds

-$500 The Warehouse Clothes

-$500 Temu Clothes

-clothes adjusted

-5 x towels, sheet set, waffle plush blanket, pillows, dinner set, pot set

-mink leopard bed spread 

-roof repairs

-fixing fallen off roof drain pipes

-electrical repairs

-new fridge / freezer

-heat pump

-new Conservatory 

-new oven

-wall heater removed

-New Menu

  -6 Pack of Lemon Pepper Fish

-1 Large Piece of Steak

-8 Bottles of Sugar Free Cola

-5 Bottles of Primo 500ml Different Flavors

-2 Bottles Pump Water

-3 Pack of Up and Go Chocolate

-3 Pack of Up and Go Strawberry

-1 x Large Box of Roses Chocolates

-Large Pavlova 

-1 x Tatua Chocolate Mousse

-Box of Kelloggs Multi-Cereal

-1 x 1L Milk

-Hamburger Buns, Patties, Cheese

-1 x Marcel's 6 Double Love Sweet Crepes 

-1 x Lemon

-5 of Each Aero, Kit-Kat, Bounty, Snickers and Twirl Bars

-1 x Arnotts Iced Animals

-Pams Strawberry Cheesecake

-Inghams Medium Chicken

-1 x Potato and 1 x Kumara 

-Big Ben 6 Pack of Bacon and Egg Pies

-1 x Original Foods Bite Me Single Serve Chocolate Cake 1 pk

-1 x Original Foods Goofy Single Serve Carrot Cake 1 pk

-Mock Cream Buns 3 pk

-1 x Dr Bugs Candy Floss 90g

-Tomorrows Meals Spaghetti Bolognese

Key to the Door

 -at the end of 1990 when I was aged '22' one year over 21. I was lying in bed in the dark. And an all black figure of a man came out of the wall with a black silent electric chainsaw

-Twenty-One. Key to the door

-in 1995. I sent an envelope to the FBI. Two items I thought might be paranormal

-a photocopy of the Feature Page Christian 'PAREDES' did for Hot Stuff Muscle Supplement

-I drew a line down the middle of him. And one side looked different than the other. One side more exceptional and Messiah like

-and I sent a US $1 note. It had a PYRAMID with the top point separate and an eye in the top separate Pyramid of it

-the US DOLLAR note. Maybe saying my list of Government Rules I came up with. Including the idea of for every person once 'creating' $50 million US in one account of them

-maybe the list of Government Rules really works. Or maybe all that is needed is for Governments to create $50 million US in an account per person

-this works really well. Maybe like PAREDES and the PYRAMID. It will lift the country in to being like a PARADISE

-I had my Justice League of America 22 comic delivered. I thought that might be the point the copies of my home on Earth might be set up. When I was reading the Green Lantern comic I was wet from rain. My roof is about to have the final repairs done

-then I thought of 'Cookie Bear.' When I was very young I got a Card at the time I thought Cookie Bear on it might look distorted. As if slightly blackened and sinister

-my earliest memory is of coming in to live in our new home at James COOK Street and finding a tin of Griffins Sampler BISCUITS in a lower kitchen cupboard

-Cookie Bare- maybe he is saying the Americas will be flooded by a volcano

-Captain James Cook first charted New Zealand

-in 1991 while my grandparents and me were having dinner. A man came to our front door. Tall, shoulder length black hair at the back, the evilest face I have seen. He was wearing a fawn suit like a Professional Doctor. He said Get your grandfather mate. My grandfather George Ager said Tell him we don't want anything. I just closed the door on him and walked away. He looked like The Young Doctors character Peter Holland played by Peter Lochran. The Cars song Drive had a tough Mental Health Doctor looking like him played by one of the band members


-PETER LOCHRAN- I pass on the man like Superman LOCKING me. I might have set it off by once signing something and if then I bought a stripped shirt like Prison Bars and three parallel burn lines on my right wrist

-Get your grandfather MATE- like Cell MATES

-Get your GRANDFATHER- today I received Justice League 22 from 1963. A key issue and really valuable. Some of the super-heroes were from WW2. I take the powers of their All-Star Squadron that I tried to give my son if he were the Anti-Christ. And use those to on Earth create copies of my home. Through a nominated door of each home. They were a DC Comics WW2 team of most of their super-heroes. A large team. On the cover were Justice League and Justice Society members in Prison Bars

-my grandfather said Tell him we don't want anything- I don't buy a stripped shirt. And I don't take those super-heroes powers. But I use them to create the copies of my home on our planet. I just closed the door on him and walked away

-DRIVE- for DAYS of our LIVES. And the volcano meant to DRIVE the channel out and the miracles

-DRIVE as in DAVID. Get your GRANDFATHER mate- he got GOLIATH. I avoid a local man like Superman being the father of my children

-Get your grandfather mate and Tell him we don't want anything. Like saying not to buy more comics

-Get your grandfather mate and Tell him we don't want anything- the first day I started to get the forces in my mind almost like voices and the ideas I could do magic began. I was pacing around my bedroom in late 1995 daydreaming Superman and his two sons like New Kids on the Block members Jordan and Jon Knight were harassing me in my mind. Suddenly I pictured him in a Pyramid on the wall savagely harassing me. Throwing my body from side to side briefly on my bed. I then slightly cut my wrist with a knife. I try to use that knife and night to make the list I want not real from my Post Superman No More now fiction 

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Earth Miracles

Mega City    -several years ago I came home and on the CONSERVATORY / CRUCIFIXION floor there was a drop of probably red JAM -I tasted it in...